Fluanxol Depot

Fluanxol Depot Side Effects





Metro Drug
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Side Effects
Neurological: Extrapyramidal symptoms may occur, especially during the early phase of treatment. In most cases, these side effects can be satisfactorily controlled by reduction of dosage and/or antiparkinsonian drugs. The routine prophylactic use of antiparkinsonian medication is not recommended. Tardive dyskinesias, which can be more or less persistent, may occur very occasionally in patients on long-term therapy. Antiparkinsonian drugs do not alleviate these symptoms. Reduction in dosage or discontinuation of therapy is recommended.
Psychic: Transient insomnia, especially when the patient is switched over from sedative neuroleptics. At high dosage, a sedative effect may occur in the occasional patient.
Autonomic and Cardiovascular: Very rare in the therapeutic dosage range.
Liver: Transient, mild alterations in liver function tests may occur.
Restlessness and antimuscarinic effects may occur.
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